ecoAdaptive Strategies is the vision of Barbara D. Janusz, Sustainability Management Consultant. A graduate from the University of Alberta with Bachelors of Arts (Political Science) and Laws degrees, Barbara D. Janusz has practiced law, and instructed law and management at SAIT Polytechnic and Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. She is a longstanding member of the Law Society of Alberta and the Writers Guild of Alberta.
She has published law textbooks and as a legal editor with Carswell, Thomson Professional Publications, collaboratively catalogued and synthesized decisions of the Energy Resources Conservation Board – Alberta’s regulatory body for energy resources.
An award winning author, she has published editorials, articles and book reviews on a broad range of environmental issues, including: land use planning, the regulatory regime governing power lines, pipelines, coalbed methane and conventional oil and gas drilling, best regulatory practices, peak oil, landmark judicial decisions certifying class action environmental lawsuits, landowners’ surface rights, Tort Law (nuisance and negligence), the precautionary principle, urban forests and sprawl, climate change and its impacts on biodiversity.
“Mindful of the complexities and financial constraints confronting small business enterprises in today’s volatile and uncertain economic climate, I am committed to applying my multidisciplinary background to diagnose organizational core competencies and problem solve the challenges confronting today’s small business entrepreneur.”